Is it possible to have Proguard enabled but keep some classes completely untouched by Proguard? I have the following lines in my proguard config file:
-keep class com.heyzap.** { *; }
But as I can see classes inside Heyzap package are actually changed anyway after Proguard pass (they are different from what I originally had in Heyzap jar file).
I don't know what exactly Proguard do with Heyzap SDK but after this build process fails on converting jar file to dex format with error:
EXCEPTION FROM SIMULATION: com.android.dx.rop.cst.CstInterfaceMethodRef cannot be cast to com.android.dx.rop.cst.CstMethodRef
Also I have -dontoptimize option enabled in my config.
Heyzap recommends to use this line to keep their SDK untouched:
-libraryjars libs/heyzap-ads-sdk.jar
But Android Studio fails to compile the project with this line added because heyzap-ads-sdk.jar is automatically added to -injars list (it throws 'The same input jar is specified twice.' error).
To make ProGuard completely ignore a package you can use:
-keepclasseswithmembers class com.my.package.** {*;}
But, the error you're getting means something else, you should try to remove -libraryjars libs/heyzap-ads-sdk.jar from your ProGuard file, because this library is probably being added somewhere else like in your build.gradle file, probably by this line:
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])