I have been trying to solve this problem in an efficient way. The problem is:
Problem Statement
Given a list of tuples in the form [(start1, end1), (start2, end2), (start3, end3)....(startn, endn)]
where start and end are positive integers. Each tuple is to represent a time window, for example: [(1, 3), (73, 80)...]
. Find the time (integer) where max concurrency occurs and get the tuples where max concurrency occurs.
are integers of time and are between 0 to n- For all cases
is inclusive butend
is exclusive- For the time (integer) where maximum concurrency occurs, we can get only one if there are multiple cases
For example the schedule below will have max_concurrency at time 2 and the tuples are (0,3), (2,3), (1, 200) that have it.
schedule = [
(0, 3),
(3, 5),
(2, 3),
(6, 8),
(10, 12),
(73, 92),
(1, 200),
My Code
For time at where maximum concurrency occurs. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think this runs in O(n^2)
from collections import defaultdict
schedule_dict = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for start, end in schedule:
for time in range(start, end):
schedule_dict[time] += 1
max_concurrency = max(schedule_dict, key=schedule_dict.get)
print(f"Time where max concurrency happens is : {max_concurrency}")
Time where max concurrency happens is : 2
For the sessions where maximum concurrency occurs, I think this runs in O(n)
My Code
for start, end in schedule:
if start <= max_concurrency < end:
print(f"{(start, end)}")
(0, 3)
(2, 3)
(1, 200)
Finally My Question
What is a more efficient way to do this to reduce time and space complexity?
The number of intervals overlapping any time instant T is the number of interval start times less than or equal to T, minus the number of interval end times less than or equal to T.
- Put the start times and end times in separate lists, and sort them.
- Initialize a depth counter to 0
- Walk through the lists in order (like merge sort), adding 1 for each start time, and subtracting 1 for each end time
- Remember when the counter reaches a maximum -- that's the time of maximum overlap.
Here's an implementation in python:
schedule = [
(0, 3), (3, 5), (2, 3), (6, 8),
(10, 12), (73, 92), (1, 200),
starts = [x[0] for x in schedule]
ends = [x[1] for x in schedule]
endpos = 0
depth = 0
maxdepth = 0
maxdepthtime = -1
for time in starts:
while endpos < len(ends) and ends[endpos]<= time:
depth -= 1
endpos += 1
if depth > maxdepth:
maxdepth = depth
maxdepthtime = time
overlappers = [x for x in schedule
if (x[0] <= maxdepthtime and x[1] > maxdepthtime)]
print ("Max overlap at time: ", maxdepthtime, " depth ", maxdepth)
print ("Intervals: ", overlappers)