No module named 'cv2' error in new environment

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2021-01-29 19:11:25


I have tried to rectify this issue by using

pip install opencv-python

pip install opencv-contrib-python

pip uninstall panda
pip install panda

conda install opencv-python

Some info is that im currently using python 3.6.10 and Windows 10.

numpy                1.18.1
panda                0.3.1
tensorflow-gpu       1.14.0

I created a new env but cant seem to import cv2 over on Jupyter Notebook. My earlier environment was able to do so. When i tried to pip install the opencv-python== (from the old environment's pip list), the problem was still there. Thank you for reading!


Firstly check which pip you are using

which pip # for linux
where pip # for windows

If path is in your new enviroment then try to reinstall it else first set PATH of new enviroment pip to the terminal/command prompt.


I found the elementary mistake I made. I forgot to download jupyter notebook in my env. As a result, I think it brought me to the another directory which doesn't have opencv. Thank you pygirl and nitr_himanshu for your help!

