How can I use multiple order by in real time database flutter to order data by specific field? [duplicate]

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-01-29 17:31:13


I am trying to short "realtime database" result according to "date" in flutter. But I cant use multiple orderByChild('child_name'). It throw an error. My code is

final String path = 'jsondata';
final _dbRef = FirebaseDatabase.instance.reference();
.then((DataSnapshot snapshot) {
  snapshot.value.forEach((key, value) {

The result is Result

Now I want to sort the data by Date. How can I do that?


It's not possible to use multiple oder at the same time in Firebase Realtime Database. Please check the following doc:

Firebase Realtime Database Query

To achieve that type of complex query I prefer that you should migrate from the Realtime Database to Firebase Cloud Firestore. Check the following resource:

Simple and Complex Dynamic Query in Could Firestore

Your Firestore instance would be:

.where('trade_code', isEqualTo: 'GP')

