How to create a graph with sugraph with jgrapht

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2021-01-29 17:26:02


I want to create a graph with subgraphs (I think cluster is a synonymous - not sure ?). Someone could explain how to create this type of graph and how to export this composite graph. I readed this post Creating graph with clusters using jgrapht but i am not sure to understand this sentence "You could create a graph where each vertex is a graph by itself; edges between these vertices represent relations between these special vertices.". Does it mean that in this case verticles are relations between subgraphs. How to build this verticles? Thanks


In JGraphT, vertices and edges are arbitrary objects: a Graph<V,E> consists of vertices of type V, and edges of type E. See the wiki guide for details.

So you could simply define a graph where V is also a graph: Graph<Graph<String,DefaultEdge>,DefaultEdge>. In this example, each vertex in the graph, is a graph by itself, consisting of String vertices and DefaultEdge edges.

