I have loaded a csv file in memory. My csv file uses ";" as the field delimiter.
It seems vba default delimiter is "," because when I try to access certain row and column of the loaded csv file, vba advances through the elements with refrence to number of "," used.
In the 10th row of my data there are five columns: aa 12,34 bb 5,678 (here "," is decimal separator)
in the csv file which the delimiter is ";" it looks like this:
so when I write
I am expecting to get 12,34 but vba returns 34;bb;5 because it uses "," as field delimiter.
So my question:
How can I tell vba to search through the loaded csv file with respect to ";" as delimiter instead of ","?
Instead of trying to change the delimiter which excel uses to load a csv file it might be more straightforward to do that on your own
First you use a function to load the lines of a text file into a collection and then you access the wanted line in that collection and go to the wanted column.
Code for this
Option Explicit
Function txtfileinCol(filename As String) As Collection
' loads the content of a textfile line by line into a collection
Dim fileContent As Collection
Set fileContent = New Collection
Dim fileNo As Long
Dim txtLine As String
fileNo = FreeFile
Open filename For Input As #fileNo
Do Until EOF(fileNo)
Line Input #fileNo, txtLine
fileContent.Add txtLine
Close #fileNo
Set txtfileinCol = fileContent
End Function
Sub Testit()
Const DELIMITER = ";"
Dim filename As String
Dim col As Collection
Dim vdat As Variant
Dim colNo As Long
Dim rowNo As Long
filename = "C:\Temp\FILE.csv"
Set col = txtfileinCol(filename)
colNo = 2
rowNo = 10
vdat = col.Item(rowNo) 'here you get the line you want
vdat = Split(vdat, DELIMITER) ' now you split the line with the DELIMITER you define
Debug.Print vdat(colNo - 1) ' now you print the content of the column you want
End Sub
Update: For accessing the row and column you could also use a function. The code would look like that
Option Explicit
Function txtfileinCol(filename As String) As Collection
' loads the content of a textfile line by line into a collection
Dim fileContent As Collection
Set fileContent = New Collection
Dim fileNo As Long
Dim txtLine As String
fileNo = FreeFile
Open filename For Input As #fileNo
Do Until EOF(fileNo)
Line Input #fileNo, txtLine
fileContent.Add txtLine
Close #fileNo
Set txtfileinCol = fileContent
End Function
Function getColRow(fileLines As Collection, rowNo As Long, colNo As Long, Optional delimiter As String) As String
Dim vdat As Variant
On Error GoTo EH:
If Len(delimiter) = 0 Then
delimiter = ";"
End If
vdat = fileLines.Item(rowNo) 'here you get the line
vdat = Split(vdat, delimiter) 'now you split the line with the delimiter
getColRow = vdat(colNo - 1) 'now you retrieve the content of the column
Exit Function
getColRow = ""
End Function
Sub Testit()
Dim filename As String
Dim col As Collection
filename = "C:\Temp\FILE.csv"
Set col = txtfileinCol(filename)
Debug.Print getColRow(col, 10, 2, ";")
End Sub