Make a separate livewire component to delete an array of users along with traits

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2021-01-29 15:45:00



I have a "belongsToMany" eloquent relationship between users and roles. I have created a trait for bulk actions, so I'm able to delete users in bulk. Now what I need to do here is, I need to make a separate livewire component to delete users in bulk. But the problem here is that the trait which is being used in Livewire/Backend/UserController needs rowsQuery property, which is present in the UserController and as whenever the users are selected to be deleted, it calls the selectedRowsQuery property from the trait and deletes the user using the following code, $this->selectedRowsQuery->delete();. How can I do the same above function using a separate livewire component.

Stripped-down, copy-pastable code snippets

  • Livewire/Backend/UserController
use App\Http\Livewire\Traits\DataTable\WithBulkActions;

use App\Models\User;

class UserController extends Component
    use WithBulkActions;

    public User $user;
    public $filters = [
        'search' => "",
        'email' => null,
        'role' => '',
        'date-min' => null,
        'date-max' => null,

    protected $listeners = ['sectionRefresh' => '$refresh'];
    public function getRowsQueryProperty()
        $query = User::query()
            ->when($this->filters['email'], fn($query, $email) => $query->where('email', 'like', '%'.$email.'%'))
            ->when($this->filters['role'], fn($query, $role) => $query->whereHas('roles', fn ($query) => $query->where('id', $role)))
            ->when($this->filters['search'], fn($query, $search) => $query->where('name', 'like', '%'.$search.'%'))
            ->when($this->filters['date-min'], fn($query, $created_at) => $query->where('created_at', '>=', Carbon::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $created_at)))
            ->when($this->filters['date-max'], fn($query, $created_at) => $query->where('created_at', '<=', Carbon::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $created_at)));
        return $this->applySorting($query);

    public function getRowsProperty()
        return $this->cache(function () {
            return $this->applyPagination($this->rowsQuery);
    public function render()
        return view('', ['users' => $this->rows]);
  • Livewire/Traits/WithBulkActions
trait WithBulkActions
    public $selectPage = false;
    public $selectAll = false;
    public $selected = [];

    public function renderingWithBulkActions()
        if ($this->selectAll) $this->selectPageRows();

    public function updatedSelected()
        $this->selectAll = false;
        $this->selectPage = false;

    public function updatedSelectPage($value)
        if ($value) return $this->selectPageRows();

        $this->selectAll = false;
        $this->selected = [];

    public function selectPageRows()
        $this->selected = $this->rows->pluck('id')->map(fn($id) => (string) $id);

    public function selectAll()
        $this->selectAll = true;

    public function getSelectedRowsQueryProperty()
        return (clone $this->rowsQuery)
            ->unless($this->selectAll, fn($query) => $query->whereKey($this->selected));
  • Livewire/Backend/UserBulkDeletion
use App\Http\Livewire\Traits\DataTable\WithCachedRows;

class UserBulkDeletion extends Component
    use WithCachedRows;
    public $showUserBulkDeletionModal = false;

    protected $listeners = ['deleteUserBulk'];

    public function deleteUserBulk()

        $this->showUserBulkDeletionModal = true;

    public function confirmDeleteBulk()
        $deleteCount = $this->selectedRowsQuery->count();
        foreach ($this->selectedRowsQuery->get() as $queryRow) {

        $this->showUserBulkDeletionModal = false;

        $this->notify('You\'ve deleted '.$deleteCount.' users');

    public function render()
        return view('');


  • Livewire version: 2.3.6
  • Laravel version: 8.23.1
  • Alpine version: 2.8.0
  • Browser: Chrome

