I am trying to generate a PDF document from CodeIgniter: 4.0.3 using fpdf library. I have copied fpdf library in app/ThirdParty folder.
I have included library reference at the top of controller like this.
<?php namespace App\Controllers\Purchase;
namespace App\ThirdParty\fpdf;
use CodeIgniter\Controller;
use FPDF;
I have created a class in the controller to extend FPDF to include header and footers like this.
class PDF extends FPDF
function Header()
I generate the pdf like this.
$pdf = new PDF();
When I run the application, I get this error.
Error Class 'FPDF' not found 114 class PDF extends FPDF
How to fix this?
You should checkout whatever your namespace in fpdf lib is. It looks like you're a bit confused about them and the use
Here's an example on how to load a lib which is under the app/ThirdParty
folder :
Your FPDF main class named FPDF.php
// the path you need to follow to access your file
namespace App\ThirdParty;
class FPDF {
public function __construct() {
// do your things
Your Controller named Foo.php
namespace App\Controllers;
// the namespace of the lib file + its class name
use App\ThirdParty\FPDF;
class Foo extends \CodeIgniter\Controller {
public function myPDF() {
$pdf = new FPDF();