For tests I use Espresso and Barista I have a test in which I need to open another screen by pressing a button. How can I check if this screen opens? Did the screen I need open?
Can I somehow check the chain of screens? To understand that the screens open in the order I need?
If someone throws links to good tutorials on UI tests in Android, I will be very grateful.
An easy solution would be to just check for an element of the new screen to be shown like this:
If you really want to check out for the current activity that is shown, you could try something like this:
Gather the current activity via InstrumentationRegistry
and check for the activity in stage RESUMED
fun getTopActivity(): Activity? {
InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().runOnMainSync {
val resumedActivities = ActivityLifecycleMonitorRegistry.getInstance().getActivitiesInStage(Stage.RESUMED)
if (resumedActivities.iterator().hasNext()) {
resumedActivities.iterator().next()?.let {
activity = it
return activity
You could then check this in a test like this:
fun checkForActivity() {
val currentActivity = getTopActivity()
assertTrue(currentActivity?.javaClass == YourActivityToCheckAgainst::class.java)
I personally use intended(hasComponent(YourActivityToCheckAgainst::class.java.name))
, which checks if the last intent was done with a desired activity, set as its component.
I also wrote an extensive Android UI testing tutorial using Espresso + Barista libraries.