I've been trying to get this to work for days upon days and it seems like one thing after another. Initially, I finally tracked it down to trouble passing ASP.NET dates in the JSON string back to the grid. I am now using JSON.NET and the dates are coming back the way they should be I'm stuck right back where I alwasy seem to be. Here is my code, returned json string, and jqGrid code also: (I'm sorry it's so long, but I just didn't want to leave anything out in case that was the part that was screwing me up)! Basically, I am continually stuck in the success method of the ajax call where I try to addJSONData.... as of right now I am getting an error from Firebug that says: invalid property id ({total:1,page:1,records:5,[{"ROWID":1,"...rName":"BCC","SubmitterID":"BCC4010","Su
ANY HELP WOULD BE SO GREATLY APPRECIATED! I Want to use this plug in so much, but I am going absolutely nuts trying to make it work!
Thanks in Advance, Briana :-)
<WebMethod()> _
<Script.Services.ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet:=False, ResponseFormat:=ResponseFormat.Json)> _
Public Function GetTableData() As String
Dim objController As New TradingPartnersController
Dim gv_page As String = String.Empty
Dim sidx As String = String.Empty
Dim sord As String = String.Empty
Dim start As String = String.Empty
Dim limit As String = String.Empty
Dim row As String = String.Empty
Dim header As String = String.Empty
Dim count As Integer = 0
Dim total_pages As Integer = 0
gv_page = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form("page") '.Form("page")
' get the requested page
limit = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form("rows")
' get how many rows we want to have into the grid
sidx = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form("sidx")
' get index row - i.e. user click to sort
sord = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form("sord")
' get the direction
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(sidx) Then
sidx = "PartnerID"
End If
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(sord) Then
sord = "ASC"
End If
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(limit) Then
limit = 10
End If
'' connect to the database
'GridView1.DataSource = objController.ListAll()
Dim objCollection As List(Of TradingPartnersInfo) = objController.ListAll()
count = objCollection.Count
If count > 0 Then
total_pages = Math.Ceiling(count / Int32.Parse(limit))
total_pages = 0
End If
If gv_page Is Nothing Then
gv_page = 1
End If
If Not gv_page > total_pages Then
gv_page = total_pages
End If
start = Math.Ceiling(Int32.Parse(limit) * (Int32.Parse(gv_page) - Int32.Parse(limit)))
If start < 1 Then start = 1
Dim objPageCollection As List(Of TradingPartnersInfo) = objController.ListTradingPartners(sidx, sord, Int32.Parse(start), Int32.Parse(limit))
Dim json As New StringBuilder
json.Append("total:" & total_pages.ToString & ",")
json.Append("page:" & gv_page.ToString & ",")
json.Append("records:" & count.ToString & ",")
Return json.ToString
End Function
Here is the jqGrid code:
jsonReader: {
root: "rows", //arry containing actual data
page: "page", //current page
total: "total", //total pages for the query
records: "records", //total number of records
repeatitems: false,
id: "ID" //index of the column with the PK in it
datatype: function(postdata) {
type: "POST",
url: "EDI.asmx",
method: "GetTableData",
dataType: "msjson",
data: {},
complete: function(data) {
var mygrid = jQuery('table.scroll')[0];
var result = (eval("(" + data.responseText + ")"));
var myjsongrid = (jeval(result.d));
mygrid.addJSONData(jeval(myjsongrid.rows)); //This is ERROR LINE
myjsongrid = null;
myjsongridParsed = null;
result = null;
success: function(data) {
alert('success: ' + data);
error: function(xhr) {
var res = xhr.responseText;
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index: 'InterchangeVersion',
jsonmap: 'InterchangeVersion',
label: 'InterchangeVersion',
resizable: true, search: true
{ name: "InterchangeSenderID",
width: 50,
resizable: true,
sortable: true,
sorttype: 'text',
editable: true,
edittype: 'text',
editrules: { required: true,
index: 'InterchangeSenderID',
jsonmap: 'InterchangeSenderID',
label: 'InterchangeSenderID',
resizable: true,
search: true
{ name: "InterchangeReceiverID",
width: 50,
resizable: true,
sortable: true,
sorttype: 'text',
editable: true,
edittype: 'text',
editrules: { required: true,
index: 'InterchangeReceiverID',
jsonmap: 'InterchangeReceiverID',
label: 'InterchangeReceiverID',
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{ name: "ProductionMode",
width: 50,
resizable: true,
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sorttype: 'text',
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edittype: 'select',
editoptions: { value: "T:P" },
editrules: { required: true,
index: 'ProductionMode',
jsonmap: 'ProductionMode',
label: 'ProductionMode',
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{ name: "SubmitterName",
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sorttype: 'text',
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edittype: 'text',
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{ name: "SubmitterID",
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index: 'SubmitterID',
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label: 'SubmitterID',
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{ name: "SubmitterPOC",
width: 50,
resizable: true,
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sorttype: 'text',
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edittype: 'text',
editrules: { required: true,
index: 'SubmitterPOC',
jsonmap: 'SubmitterPOC',
label: 'SubmitterPOC',
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{ name: "CommQual",
width: 50,
resizable: true,
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sorttype: 'text',
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edittype: "select",
editoptions: { value: "ED:EM:FX:TE" },
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index: 'CommQual',
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label: 'CommQual',
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{ name: "CommNumber",
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{ name: "ReceiverName",
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{ name: "ReceiverID",
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{ name: "PartnerType",
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editoptions: { value: "Clearinghouse:PPO:Both" },
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jsonmap: 'PartnerType',
label: 'PartnerType',
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search: true
{ name: "PartnerNotes",
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edittype: 'textarea',
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index: 'PartnerNotes',
jsonmap: 'PartnerNotes',
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{ name: "IncomingDataPrepSP",
width: 50,
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{ name: "DateTimeInserted",
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jsonmap: 'DateTimeInserted',
label: 'DateTimeInserted',
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{ name: "KeyID",
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sorttype: 'int',
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jsonmap: 'KeyID',
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label: 'KeyID',
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height: 400,
shrinkToFit: true,
pager: jQuery('#pager'),
rowNum: 10,
rowList: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50],
sortname: 'ROWID',
sortorder: "asc",
viewrecords: true,
imgpath: 'http://localhost/DNN5/js/jQuery/jqGrid-3.4.3/themes/sand/images',
caption: 'X12 Trading Partners',
viewrecords: true,
gridComplete: function() {
alert("i'm grid complete" + JSON.stringify(msg));
//updates the new column order position
}}).navGrid('table.scroll', { edit: true, add: true, del: true }).tableDnD();
Here is the Returned JSON String: (I have no problem seeing this data being returned to client.)
{total:1,page:1,records:5,[{"ROWID":1,"ID":1,"PartnerID":"BCN","Direction":"I","InterchangeVersion":"004010X096A1","InterchangeSenderID":"BCC4010","InterchangeReceiverID":"company","ProductionMode":"T","SubmitterName":"BCC","SubmitterID":"BCC4010","SubmitterPOC":"BCC","CommQual":"","CommNumber":"","ReceiverName":"company","ReceiverID":"BCC4010","PartnerTypes":"","PartnerNotes":"","IncomingDataPrepSP":"","OutgoingDataPrepSP":"","ExchangeAck":false,"DateTimeInserted":new Date(1214412777787),"IsDeleted":false},{"ROWID":2,"ID":2,"PartnerID":"BCN","Direction":"I","InterchangeVersion":"004010X098A1","InterchangeSenderID":"BCC4010","InterchangeReceiverID":"company","ProductionMode":"T","SubmitterName":"BCC","SubmitterID":"BCC4010","SubmitterPOC":"BCC","CommQual":"","CommNumber":"","ReceiverName":"company","ReceiverID":"BCC4010","PartnerTypes":"","PartnerNotes":"","IncomingDataPrepSP":"","OutgoingDataPrepSP":"","ExchangeAck":false,"DateTimeInserted":new Date(1212088125000),"IsDeleted":false},{"ROWID":3,"ID":3,"PartnerID":"BCN","Direction":"O","InterchangeVersion":"004010X091A1","InterchangeSenderID":"HCA770385729","InterchangeReceiverID":"BCC47198 ","ProductionMode":"T","SubmitterName":"company Administrators","SubmitterID":"HCA770385729","SubmitterPOC":"briana","CommQual":"EM","CommNumber":"briana@company.com","ReceiverName":"BCN","ReceiverID":"BCC47198","PartnerTypes":"","PartnerNotes":"","IncomingDataPrepSP":"","OutgoingDataPrepSP":"","ExchangeAck":false,"DateTimeInserted":new Date(1212088125547),"IsDeleted":false},{"ROWID":4,"ID":4,"PartnerID":"EHG","Direction":"I","InterchangeVersion":"004010X097A1","InterchangeSenderID":"330989922","InterchangeReceiverID":"company","ProductionMode":"T","SubmitterName":"DENTALCONNECT","SubmitterID":"330989922","SubmitterPOC":"","CommQual":"","CommNumber":"","ReceiverName":"","ReceiverID":"","PartnerTypes":"Clearinghouse","PartnerNotes":"Dental clearinghouse. Sends billing address in the pay-to segment (NM1*87) and the service address in the billing segment (NM1*85).","IncomingDataPrepSP":"[dispatch].spPreprocessEHG","OutgoingDataPrepSP":"","ExchangeAck":true,"DateTimeInserted":new Date(1235603192033),"IsDeleted":false},{"ROWID":5,"ID":5,"PartnerID":"EMDEON","Direction":"I","InterchangeVersion":"004010X097A1","InterchangeSenderID":"341884003","InterchangeReceiverID":"857297703","ProductionMode":"T","SubmitterName":"INTERACTIVE PAYER NETWORK","SubmitterID":"341884003","SubmitterPOC":"","CommQual":"","CommNumber":"","ReceiverName":"","ReceiverID":"","PartnerTypes":"Clearinghouse","PartnerNotes":"Dental clearinghouse. Sends billing address in the pay-to segment (NM1*87) and the service address in the billing segment (NM1*85).","IncomingDataPrepSP":"","OutgoingDataPrepSP":"","ExchangeAck":true,"DateTimeInserted":new Date(1235603192000),"IsDeleted":false}]}