I have these classes:
public class Person {
long id;
String name;
public class Dog {
long id;
String color;
long idPerson;
public class PersonWithDog {
Person person;
@Relation(parentColumn = "id", entityColumn = "idPerson", entity = Dog.class)
List<Dog> dogs;
I want to make a query to return a person and a list of only black dogs he owns. Something like:
LEFT JOIN Dogs ON Person.id = Dogs.idPerson
WHERE Person.id = ? AND Dogs.color = black
Is this possible using Room?
**Note: If I make a POJO this way:
public class PersonWithDog {
Person person;
List<Dog> dogs;
and use the above query, Room won't find out how to map the fields of List, as it doesn't accept an embedded list...
If nothing else worked, this dirty solution may help you as a last resort. Note that the return type could not be LiveData
and you should call the method every time you need the data (and perhaps wrap its result in a SingleLiveEvent or something):
public abstract class MyDao {
// Call this method
Map<Person, List<Dog>> getPersonBlackDogs(long personId) {
Person person = getPerson(personId);
List<Dog> blackDogs = getBlackDogs(personId);
return Collections.singletonMap(person, blackDogs);
// You do not want to expose these two methods so make theme protected
@Query("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE id = :personId")
protected abstract Person getPerson(long personId);
@Query("SELECT * FROM Dog WHERE idPerson = :personId AND Dog.color = black")
protected abstract List<Dog> getBlackDogs(long personId);