How to filter DataGridView to keep only a given set of rows

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2021-01-29 11:41:21


In C# I have DataGridView populated via DataSource. With some custom made filter I determine a subset of rows (by looping through the rows and checking the conditions on columns, to be precise) and need to keep/show only these rows in the DatGridView.

One option I understand is to loop through the grid and hide the rows which are outside my index set. This, however, is painfully slow for larger set of rows. My question is:

given a datagridview which is bind to a datasource, and a subset of its rows, is there an efficient way to keep only those rows in datagridview?


Slow speed probably comes only from the GUI updates. You may want to

  • Suspend/ResumeLayout the DGV and/or
  • DoubleBuffer the DGV.

The latter will speed up all display operations including scrolling.

  • If you'd rather go for a real filter you will need an extra column to hold the filter value and a BindingSource.

(You won't need the extra colum, if you can put your logic into the filter..)

Assuming a DataTable DT as your DataSource first add a filter column:

DT.Columns.Add("Filter", typeof(int));

Next create a BindingSource BS = new BindingSource();

Now bind the original datasource to the bindingsource and use it as the new datasource:

BS.DataSource = DT;
yourDGV.DataSource  = BS;

Now you can use your code to set a value for the filter column and finally set or unset the filter:

BS.Filter = "Filter = 23";  // use your indicator logic!
BS.Filter = "";              // unset filter

For the Filter you can use the DataColumn.Expression Property syntax.

  • If you want to see the filter column you need to add it to the DGV columns as well and set the connection to the datasource.


yourDGV.Columns.Add("Filter", "filter");
yourDGV.Columns["Filter"].DataPropertyName = "Filter";


How about you fill the Dgv from a code. Write a Select Statement to populate a DataTable then, proceed to setting the Datatable as DS for your datagridview then finally if you need to filter just call the querying method then it will call others aswell.

