Connecting to mysql container from host

痴心易碎 提交于 2021-01-29 11:08:37


I have installed docker on my mac. I have MySQL container which is running on my local machine (MAC).

Docker ps command is giving me below output -

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE          COMMAND                   CREATED         STATUS                 PORTS                     NAMES

b5c50b2d334a   test_mysql2    "docker-entrypoint.s…"    2 hours ago     Up 2 hours (healthy)>3306/tcp   test_mysql2_1

I know username and password to the mysql which would be setup up in the container.

I want to connect to mysql and run some queries But I am not able to figure out how to connect to it. Any help will be appreciated.


Do you want to Connect to MySQL through Docker if yes; Kindly follow this step by step procedure that I am using.

Step 1 : Pull MySql image from docker hub. The following command will pull the latest mysql image.

cli> docker pull mysql

Step 2: Run a container from this image. ‘-name’ gives a name to the container. ‘ -e’ specifies run time variables you need to set. Set the password for the MySQL root user using ‘MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD’. ‘-d’ tells the docker to run the container in background.

cli> docker run --name=testsql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rukshani -d mysql 

This will output a container id; which means that the container is running in the background properly.

Step 3: Then check the status of the container by issuing, ‘docker ps’ command

cli> docker ps

Now you should be able to see that MySQL is running on port 3306.

Step 4: To checkout the logs of the running container use the following command

cli > docker logs testsql

Step 5: Find the IP of the container using following. Check out the “IPAddress” from the output, this will tell you the IP address.

cli> docker inspect testsql

Now you should be able to connect to MySQL using tIPs ip address on port 3306.

Base on what I understand from your question, this is what you need. (I hope so)

(This is not my own documentation, I only like to document everything most especially those procedure that I cannot put in my head, so that if ever the same thing happen or I need same procedure in the future, I will not waste my time to research again, but instead I will open my notes and run the commands.)


As you can see in the output of docker ps, the port 32783 (local machine) is mapped to the port 3306 inside the docker container. If you are using a MySQL Client (e.g. MySQL Workbench) you should be able to connect using ip localhost and port 32783. If not, you should go with docker exec and then open a interactive mysql shell inside the container (As mulg0r commented).

