I have come up with an implementation of access control for a nativescript app but the android back button breaks it.
- Open the app
- press login
- press back button in android (The app will be minimized)
- Open the app again (you are supposed to see that you are logged in but you see that you appear to be logged out)
- Now actually close the app
- Open the app again (You will see that you were actually logged in but the app was displaying the wrong page for you)
How can I fix this issue? What is the propper way to stay logged-in in a nativescript-vue app?
Here is a playground sample
It happens sometimes with global variables, I didn't manage to track how exactly but a hot fix is to use a function.
function isLoaddedIn() {
return ApplicationSettings.getString('is_logged_in') == 'true';
new Vue({
render: h => h('frame', [h(isLoaddedIn() ? In : Out)])
Here is my initial solution:
import Vue from 'nativescript-vue';
import Proxy from './components/Proxy';
new Vue({render: h => h('frame', [h(Proxy)])}).$start();
<ActionBar title="Logged in" />
<button text="Logout" @tap="logout" />
import * as ApplicationSettings from 'tns-core-modules/application-settings';
import Out from './Out';
export default {
methods: {
logout() {
ApplicationSettings.setString('is_logged_in', 'false');
this.$navigateTo(Out, {
clearHistory: true,
<ActionBar title="Not Logged in" />
<button text="Login" @tap="login" />
import * as ApplicationSettings from 'tns-core-modules/application-settings';
import In from './In';
export default {
methods: {
login() {
ApplicationSettings.setString('is_logged_in', 'true');
this.$navigateTo(In, {
clearHistory: true,
<Page @loaded="startMyApp">
<ActionBar title="Proxy" />
<label text="hello" />
import * as ApplicationSettings from 'tns-core-modules/application-settings';
import In from './In';
import Out from './Out';
export default {
methods: {
startMyApp() {
const is_logged_in = ApplicationSettings.getString('is_logged_in');
const target_page = is_logged_in == 'true' ? In : Out;
this.$navigateTo(target_page, {
clearHistory: true,
I chose to create a new proxy component but the same thing can be done without that by creating hooks in Login and Main.
Of cource @Manoj's asnwer is so much more brilliant, I just posted this so people can see alternative hacks.