Using the example from the documentation, everything works well only at the first insertion. After the second and subsequent, errors appear.
const Product = this.sequelize.define('Product', {
title: Sequelize.STRING
const Tag = this.sequelize.define('Tag', {
name: Sequelize.STRING,
unique: true
const ProductTag = this.sequelize.define('ProductTag', {
product_id: Sequelize.INTEGER,
tag_id: Sequelize.INTEGER
Product.belongsToMany(Tag, {through: 'ProductTag', as: 'tag'});
Tag.belongsToMany(Product, {through: 'ProductTag'});
The first insert works fine.
title: 'Chair',
tag: [
{ name: 'Alpha'},
{ name: 'Beta'}
}, {
include: [{
model: Tag,
as: 'tag'
SQL logs
INSERT INTO "Product" ("id","title","created_at","updated_at") VALUES (DEFAULT,'Chair','2019-02-25 12:51:50.802 +00:00','2019-02-25 12:51:50.802 +00:00') RETURNING *;
INSERT INTO "Tag" ("id","name","created_at","updated_at") VALUES (DEFAULT,'Alpha','2019-02-25 12:51:51.061 +00:00','2019-02-25 12:51:51.061 +00:00') RETURNING *;
INSERT INTO "Tag" ("id","name","created_at","updated_at") VALUES (DEFAULT,'Beta','2019-02-25 12:51:51.061 +00:00','2019-02-25 12:51:51.061 +00:00') RETURNING *;
INSERT INTO "ProductTag" ("product_id","tag_id","created_at","updated_at") VALUES (1,1,'2019-02-25 12:51:51.068 +00:00','2019-02-25 12:51:51.068 +00:00') RETURNING *;
INSERT INTO "ProductTag" ("product_id","tag_id","created_at","updated_at") VALUES (1,2,'2019-02-25 12:51:51.072 +00:00','2019-02-25 12:51:51.072 +00:00') RETURNING *;
Subsequent insertions Product.create(...)
produce errors SequelizeUniqueConstraintError
Key "(name)=(Alpha)" already exists.
How to make it so that if the tag already exists, it took the ID of the existing one and ignore the error?
My solution.
Add method updateOrCreate
Product.updateOrCreate = function (options) {
return this.findOrCreate(options).then(res => {
let [row, created] = res;
if (created) return [row, created];
return row.update(options.defaults, options.transaction)
.then(updated => [updated, created]);
Tag.updateOrCreate = function (options) {
return this.findOrCreate(options).then(res => {
let [row, created] = res;
if (created) return [row, created];
return row.update(options.defaults, options.transaction)
.then(updated => [updated, created]);
let data = {
title: 'Chair',
tag: [
{name: 'Alpha'},
{name: 'Beta'}
return sequelize.transaction().then(t => {
return Product.updateOrCreate({
where: {title: data.title},
defaults: data,
transaction: t
}).then(res => {
let [product] = res;
return Promise.all(data.tag.map(tag => {
return Tag.updateOrCreate({
where: {name: tag.name},
defaults: tag,
transaction: t
}).then(res => {
let [tag] = res;
return Promise.resolve(tag);
}).catch(err => Promise.reject(err.message));
})).then(() => {
}).catch(err => Promise.reject(err));
}).catch(err => {