FluentBit - Parsing from Path_Key

China☆狼群 提交于 2021-01-29 09:23:14


Currently im adding the filepath using Path_Key. I am trying to grab multiple variables that exist in the Path_key.


Is it possible to extract these values from an existing field mapping?


For extracting values for use in the Tag it is pretty straight forward, you would have an input like:

    Name  tail
    Path  /var/log/containers/*-*.log
    Path_Key  filename
    Tag <appname>.<appversion>
    Tag_Regex  /(?<appname>[^-]+)-(?<appversion>[^.]+).log$

The Tag_Regex is used to set the <appname> and <appversion> variables that can be used to set the Tag.

As for setting these sort of values in a field in the log entry I couldn't find any "native" way to do it. However I was able to achieve something similar by using a Lua filter:

    Name  tail
    Path  /var/log/containers/*-*.log
    Path_Key  filename

    Name  lua
    Match  *
    script  helper.lua
    call  extract_app_fields

which invokes the the extract_app_fields function in the helper.lua file:

function extract_app_fields(tag, timestamp, record)
    retcode = 0
    filename = record['filename']
    if filename ~= nil then
        appname = filename('/([^-]+)-[^.]+\.log')
        appversion = filename('/[^-]+-([^.]+)\.log')
        if appname ~= nil then
            record['appname'] = appname
            retcode = 2
        if appversion ~= nil then
            record['appversion'] = appversion
            retcode = 2
    return retcode, timestamp, record

The extract_app_fields function extracts the appname and appversion from the filename and updates the fields in the record if they can be determined.

Note: I'm very much a Lua novice, so there may be a better way to do this using Lua.

