Experience/Examples using Nordic nRF52840 (BLE) with C#?

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2021-01-29 09:18:42


Does anyone have experience using the Nordic NRF52840 with a C# app to act as a receiver?

I'm trying to communicate with an Onset InTemp thermometer and although I've had quite a bit of success with the native Windows 10 BLE, I'm having some problems. See: C#, BLE. Why does GetGattServicesAsync hang forever? Is there a work around such as turning off/on BLE? for details.

Nordic advertises that they only have C++, Python and Node.js libraries. See https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/65516/using-nrf52840-dongle-as-receiver-client-for-onset-thermometer for example. I need either a C# library OR perhaps some hints on how to build the C++ library with Visual Studio (there are no instructions that I can see) and setup the interop layer (method signature etc.). I think this would go much faster if I saw an example :). And I'm guessing this type of work has been done before.

Another possibility is to call the Node.js libraries from C# which I understand is possible but again, I'd need some initial examples. Probably more so as I've never used Node.js either on its own or from C#.

Thanks, Dave

