perl remove string block from file and save to file

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-01-29 09:00:52


I have a file that looks like this:

string 1 {
    abc { session 1 }
    fairPrice {
            ID LU0432618274456
            Source 4
            service xyz
string 2 {
    abc { session 23 }
    fairPrice {
            ID LU036524565456171
            Source 4
            service tzu 

My program should read in the file with a search-parameter given (for example "string 1") and search the complete block until "}" and remove that part from the file. Can someone assist on that...I have some code so far but how can I do the removal and saving to the same file again?

my $fh = IO::File->new( "$fname", "r" ) or die ( "ERROR: Strategy file      \"$fname\" not found." );
    if ($line =~ /^\s*string 1\s*\w+\s*\{\s*$/) {
            $inside_json_msg = 1;
            $msg_json .= $line;
    else {
            if ($inside_json_msg)
               if ($line =~ m/^\}\s*$/) {

                 $msg_json.= $line if defined($line);
                 $inside_json_msg = 0;
               } else {
                 $msg_json .= $line;


You code mentions JSON, but your data isn't JSON. If it is JSON and you've just transcribed it badly, then please use a JSON library.

But if your data isn't JSON, then something like this will do the trick.


use strict;
use warnings;

my $match = shift or die "I need a string to match\n";

while (<DATA>) {
  # If this is the start of a block we want to remove...
  if (/^\s*$match\s+{/) {
    # Set $braces to 1 (or 0 if the block closes on this line)
    my $braces = /}/ ? 0 : 1;
    # While $braces is non-zero
    while ($braces) {
      # Read the next line of the file
      $_ = <DATA>;
      # Increment or decrement $braces as appropriate
      $braces-- if /}/;
      $braces++ if /{/;
  } else {
    # Otherwise, just print the line

string 1 {
    abc { session 1 }
    fairPrice {
            ID LU0432618274456
            Source 4
            service xyz
string 2 {
    abc { session 23 }
    fairPrice {
            ID LU036524565456171
            Source 4
            service tzu 

Currently, this just prints the output to the console. And I use the DATA filehandle for easier testing. Switching to use real filehandles is left as an exercise for the reader :-)

Update: I decided that I didn't like all the incrementing and decrementing of $braces using regex matches. So here's another (improved?) version that uses y/.../.../ to count the occurrences of opening and closing braces in the line. It's possible that this version might be slightly less readable (the syntax highlighter certainly thinks so).


use strict;
use warnings;

my $match = shift or die "I need a string to match\n";

while (<DATA>) {
  if (/^\s*$match\s+{/) {
    my $braces = y/{// - y/}//;
    while ($braces) {
      $_ = <DATA>;
      $braces -= y/}//;
      $braces += y/{//;
  } else {

string 1 {
    abc { session 1 }
    fairPrice {
            ID LU0432618274456
            Source 4
            service xyz
string 2 {
    abc { session 23 }
    fairPrice {
            ID LU036524565456171
            Source 4
            service tzu 

Update 2: Ok, I originally said that dealing with real filehandles would be left as an exercise for the reader. But here's a version that does that.


use strict;
use warnings;

my $match = shift or die "I need a string to match\n";

open my $fh, '+<', 'data' or die $!;

# Read all the data from the file
my @data = <$fh>;

# Empty the file
seek $fh, 0, 0;
truncate $fh, 0;

my $x = 0;
while ($x <= $#data) {
  $_ = $data[$x++];
  if (/^\s*$match\s+{/) {
    my $braces = y/{// - y/}//;
    while ($braces) {
      $_ = $data[$x++];
      $braces -= y/}//;
      $braces += y/{//;
  } else {
    print $fh $_;

Currently, I've hard-coded the filename to be data. I hope it's obvious how to fix that.


Can use Text::Balanced to break the text into blocks delimited by {}, in a way that also keeps the text preceding and following the blocks.

In that list drop the element with the specific skip-pattern (string 1 here) and its following block and retain everything else. Then overwrite the source file with that.

use warnings;
use strict;
use Path::Tiny;
use Text::Balanced qw(extract_bracketed extract_multiple);

my $file = shift // die "Usage: $0 file\n";  #/
my $text = path($file)->slurp;

# returns: 'string 1', BLOCK, 'string 2', BLOCK (may have spaces/newlines)
my @elems = extract_multiple( 
    $text, [ sub { extract_bracketed($text, '{}') } ]

my $skip_phrase = 'string 1';    
my (@text_keep, $skip);

for (@elems) {
    if (/$skip_phrase/) { 
        $skip = 1;
    elsif ($skip) {
        $skip = 0;

    push @text_keep, $_;

print for @text_keep;

# Overwrite source; uncomment when tested
#open my $fh_out, '>', $file or die "Can't open $file: $!";  
#print $fh_out $_ for @text_keep;

Tested with files with more text and blocks, both before and after the one to drop.

Another tool that can be used to extract delimited chunks is in Regexp::Common, see this post.


I would use proper json as format and jq as processor for that format. Rewriting a hack in perl does not make much sense.


Here is an example using Regexp::Grammars:

use feature qw(say);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Printer;
use Regexp::Grammars;
    my ($block_name, $block_num) = @ARGV;
    my $parser = qr!
        <rule: blocks> <[block]>+ 
        <rule: block> <block_name> <block_num> <braced_item>
        <token: block_name> \w+
        <token: block_num> \d+
        <rule: braced_item>   \{  (?: <escape> | <braced_item> | [^{}] )*  \}
        <token: escape> \\ .

    my $data = read_file('cfg.txt');
    if ($data =~ $parser) {
        print_blocks( $/{blocks}{block}, $block_name, $block_num );
    else {
        warn "No match";

sub print_blocks {
    my ( $blocks, $block_name, $block_num ) = @_;

    for my $block (@$blocks) {
        next if ($block->{block_name} eq $block_name)
          && ($block->{block_num} == $block_num);
        say $block->{block_name}, " ", $block->{block_num},
          " ", $block->{braced_item}{braced_item};

sub read_file {
    my ( $fn ) = @_;

    open ( my $fh, '<', $fn ) or die "Could not open file '$fn': $!";
    my $str = do { local $/; <$fh> };
    close $fh;
    return $str;

