I want to edit some textframe content in Indesign documents by JS. But I cannot find any solution to get any change with feedback in Dialog Window. So I just have a simple document with one Textframe with name test
I just paste relevant parts to keep it simple, in my Dialog I have lot of settings...
var w = new Window ("dialog","DialogTitle");
var changeText = w.add("button", [0,0,150,20], "change test Text");
changeText.onClick = function(){
var result = w.show();
if (result == 1){
myFrame = app.activeDocument.textFrames.itemByName("test");
myFrame.contents = "New Text";
var result = w.show(0); //Here I want to reopen the Window w
//Is not working
you could not make any changes while Dialog is shown. But how I get Dialog back?
To keep your custom window and UI access define this window as "palette" instead of "dialog".
Your script 1st directive supposes to call your custom targetengine as well, something like: #targetengine "mysession"