“Dummy Image” placeholder for webpage

夙愿已清 提交于 2021-01-29 08:29:43


When developing a web page/application, I often don't have all the data right upfront. Sometimes I need to put dummy text and images in places to get the overall feel of how its going to look. For dummy text, I can use Lorem Ipsum to generate such junk text. But how can I do something similar with images?


Similar to Lorem Ipsum, theres this one: Lorem Pixel This generates placeholder images for your html if the specified size. The url of the site follows the pattern : http://lorempixel.com/[width]/[height]/[category(optional)]/[number(optional)]/

An example of this is: 400 by 200px sports image

If you are using brackets, it comes with an extension for this, so that you can set the requirements in UI, and it gives you the URL of the image.

No more spending hours on searching throwaway images!!

