Python: read a percentage value from excel using xlrd

余生颓废 提交于 2021-01-29 07:35:35


I am trying to read percentage value from excel using xlrd. but the output keeps coming as 1.0. Is there a way that I can load it as a percentage without the value being changed?

Below is what I have in my excel sheet


for r in range(1, xlsheet.nrows):
    num_cols = xlsheet.ncols
    print('Row: %s' % r)
    for col_idx in range(1, num_cols):​for r in range(1, xlsheet.nrows):
    num_cols = xlsheet.ncols
    print('Row: %s' % r)
    for col_idx in range(1, num_cols):
        cell_obj = xlsheet.cell(r, col_idx)
        print('Column:[%s] cell_obj: [%s]' % (col_idx, cell_obj))

output I am getting:

Row: 2
Column:[1] cell_obj: [number:1.0]
Column:[2] cell_obj: [number:1.0]
Column:[3] cell_obj: [number:1.0]
Column:[4] cell_obj: [number:1.0]
Column:[5] cell_obj: [number:1.0]
Column:[6] cell_obj: [number:1.0]
Column:[7] cell_obj: [number:1.0]
Column:[8] cell_obj: [number:1.0]
Column:[9] cell_obj: [number:1.0]
Column:[10] cell_obj: [number:1.0]
Column:[11] cell_obj: [number:1.0]
Column:[12] cell_obj: [number:1.0]


You could use pandas to convert the whole excel to a data frame, something like:

excel_dataframe = pd.read_excel(excel_file, sheet_name=s)

and then use a apply map to convert to string.

 excel_dataframe = excel_dataframe.applymap(str)

This will convert all the cells in the excel to string, that way you get a string object and the correct value

