CORS Post Request Fails

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-11-28 01:19:09

You half 1/2 the solution here.

What you are missing is an OPTIONS route where these headers need to be added as well.

$app->options('/{routes:.+}', function ($request, $response, $args) {
    return $response
        ->withHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'http://mysite')
        ->withHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Origin, Authorization')
        ->withHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS');
Atul Sharma

Actually CORS is implemented at browser level. and Even with

 return $response
            ->withHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'http://mysite')
            ->withHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Origin, Authorization')
            ->withHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS');

chrome and Mozilla will not set headers to allow cross origin. So, you need forcefully disable that..

Read more about disabling CORS

Disable same origin policy in Chrome

This happens because preflight request is of OPTIONS type. You need to make an event listener on your request, which checks the type and sends a response with needed headers.

Unfortunately i don't know Slim framework, but here's the working example in Symfony.

First the headers example to be returned:

// Headers allowed to be returned.
const ALLOWED_HEADERS = ['Authorization', 'Origin', 'Content-Type', 'Content-Length', 'Accept'];

And in the request listener, there's a onKernelRequest method that watches all requests that are coming in:

     * @param GetResponseEvent $event
    public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event)
        // Don't do anything if it's not the master request
        if (!$event->isMasterRequest()) {

        // Catch all pre-request events
        if ($event->getRequest()->isMethod('OPTIONS')) {
            $router = $this->container->get('router');
            $pathInfo = $event->getRequest()->getPathInfo();

            $response = new Response();
            $response->headers->set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', $event->getRequest()->headers->get('Origin'));
            $response->headers->set('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', $this->getAllowedMethods($router, $pathInfo));
            $response->headers->set('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', implode(', ', self::ALLOWED_HEADERS));
            $response->headers->set('Access-Control-Expose-Headers', implode(', ', self::ALLOWED_HEADERS));
            $response->headers->set('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true');
            $response->headers->set('Access-Control-Max-Age', 60 * 60 * 24);

Here i just reproduce the Origin (all domains are allowed to request the resource, you should probably change it to your domain). Hope it will give some glues.

CORS can be hard to config. The key is that you need to set the special headers in your server and your client, and I don't see any Vue headers set, besides as far as I know http is not a function. However here is some setup for a post request.

const data = {
    email: email,
    password: password
const options = {
    headers: {
        'Access-Control-Expose-Headers': // all of your headers,
        'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'
}'api/auth/register', JSON.stringify(data), options).then(response => {
    // success
}, response => {
    // error

Notice that you need to stringify your data and you need to expose your headers, usually including the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. What I did in one of my own apps was to define interceptors so I don't worry to set headers for every request.

Vue.http.headers.common['Access-Control-Expose-Headers'] = 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, x-session-token, timeout, Content-Length, location, *'
Vue.http.headers.common['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'