I want to use libcurl in my native project. How can I integrate this library and build using ndk? Is there any post available that can guide me through the process?
I tried the docs from official site, but that's not working. FYI I am on windows platform.
Create a JNI folder within your project and add a folder for each architecture(arm, armv7,x86 etc). Place the corresponding libcurl.so files in the respective folders. Since this is a rebuilt shared binary you need to add this to your Android.mk file
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := <Curl> //add the module name here.
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := <libCurl.so> //add the .so file name here
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/../jni/include
Create a JNI C file that uses the libraries from Curl and call the native code from Java source.
static {
It shouldnt make a difference if you are on Windows platform. Adding open source liv files to Android NDK is pretty much the same process on all platforms.
No idea about windows, but as to the linker magic, see the links in Integrating MuPDF as a library project (Android)