How can I configure JPA for a postgres database schema?

只愿长相守 提交于 2021-01-29 06:34:18


I have an existing postgres database with the database "testdb" and the database schema testdbschema".

If I use the default persistence.xml configuration of RESOURCE_LOCAL the following property is working:

<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:postgresql://server:port/testdb?currentSchema=testdbschema" /> 

I want to configure my database connection within my web.xml as a data-source. Everything is working well, except the configuration of the database schema.

Here is my web.xml configuration:


Do you now how can I configure my db schema name here?

The configuration via testdb?currentSchema=testdbschema did not work for me and I get a database not found failure.


The solution was found within the PGSimpleDataSource:



