how to modify axis labels ggplot in R

柔情痞子 提交于 2021-01-29 06:06:23


I know there are other questions like this. However, this is a bit of two fold item.

So, i am using the following code to arrange my horizontal bar chart in descending order by annual difference, A. First is the sample data and then making the data frame.

  A<- c(150,125,0,-300,-350,-370)
  Series<- c("Construction","Manufacturing","Information","Health_Care","Education","Government")

  testdf <- data.frame(A,Series)

  geom_col(color="blue")+aes(x = reorder(Series,A),A)+ coord_flip()

The issue is that my y-axis label is showing as "reorder(Series,A)". I added the second aes segment as an attempt to have them arranged by descending order (greatest number at the top). PPrior to that, it was arranging them in a random (as far as i can tell) order. How do I get the y-axis label to show nothing? Second, If I wanted the title to be directly above the chart, what is the method for that?


No need to call aes twice, you can reorder in the call to ggplot. From there you can use labs with x = NULL to get rid of the x-axis lable and ggtitle to add a title. You can call theme to move the title to the exact center. If you prefer it centered over the plot area, remove the plot.title.position line.

ggplot(data=testdf, aes(y=A, x = reorder(Series,A))) + 
      geom_col(color="blue") + coord_flip() +
  labs(x = NULL) + ggtitle("Interesting Title") +
  theme(plot.title.position = "plot",
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

