Azure Devops: Fail to get artifact content zip with TFS Client lib

孤者浪人 提交于 2021-01-29 05:21:53


I want to download an artifact with Azure DevOps Services API.
While programing with C#, I choose to use Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.Client SDK, Version: 16.153.0 as a tool.

I am sure I have the artifact.
But After I use BuildHttpClient::GetArtifactContentZipAsync(project: "XXX", buildId: buildid, artifactName: "XXX")
to get zip stream. I get exception with a message like :
The requested version \"5.1\" of the resource is under preview. The -preview flag must be supplied in the api-version for such requests. For example: \"5.1-preview\"

It seems I use the wrong version of API, but I really didn't see any API to set this version to "5.1-preview".
Is there a way to solve this problem? Or should I use an older version of TFS SDK?


I tested with the 15.131.1 version of Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.Client SDK and it works well , but trying the 16.153.0 version and it failed .

Sample code:

static readonly string TFUrl = "";
static readonly string UserPAT = "PAT";

static void Main(string[] args)
        int buildId = xx; // update to an existing build definition id
        string artifactName = "drop"; //default artifact name
    //  string project = "projectName";
        ConnectWithPAT(TFUrl, UserPAT);

        Stream zipStream = BuildClient.GetArtifactContentZipAsync(buildId, artifactName).Result; //get content
        using (FileStream zipFile = new FileStream(@"C:\MySite\", FileMode.Create))
    catch (Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex.Message);
        if (ex.InnerException != null) Console.WriteLine("Detailed Info: " + ex.InnerException.Message);
        Console.WriteLine("Stack:\n" + ex.StackTrace);


Thanks for Hugh's answer. Maybe there is something wrong with the SDK of version 16.153.0.
For some reason, I should use a new version SDK, so I choose to bypass the API and download the artifact by myself.

Firstly, I use BuildHttpClient::GetArtifactContentZipAsync to get an object of struct BuildArtifact. Then I find the download link of artifact in BuildArtifact.Resource.DownloadUrl. Finally I get the resource from this link.

In this way, I should handle some details like Auth/Httpdownload by myself. But anyway I get what I want.

Hope to work in the next version of TFS SDK.

