Savedstateviewmodelfactory is finall, cannot inherit

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2021-01-29 05:13:47


class SettingsViewModelFactory(application: Application, owner: SavedStateRegistryOwner) : SavedStateViewModelFactory(application, owner){

    override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
        if (modelClass.isAssignableFrom({
            return SettingsViewModel() as T
        throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid ViewModel class")


I get a red underline below SavedStateViewModelFactory saying that the type is final and cannot be inherited from. What do I do? The documentation is too vague. Also what state do I put into the return?


If you want to create your own factory that allows for usage of SavedStateHandle constructor parameters, you would extend AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory, not SavedStateViewModelFactory as per the explicit note on the documentation:

When providing a custom ViewModelProvider.Factory instance, you can enable usage of SavedStateHandle by extending AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory.

However, you don't need any custom factory to support a ViewModel with a zero argument constructor - that is supported by default. You'd only need a custom factory if you need to pass custom parameters to your ViewModel. In your code's case, you can delete your custom factory entirely.

