How do i catch if form submit fails in vee-validate? I have the following component
<ValidationObserver tag='div' class='bg-white pt-6 pb-6 mb-4' v-slot='{ handleSubmit }'>
class='mx-auto rounded-lg overflow-hidden pt-6 pb-6 space-y-10'
:class="{'is-loading' : isLoading}"
<div class='flex flex-wrap -mx-3 mb-6'>
<div class='w-full md:w-3/12 px-3 mb-6 md:mb-5'>
<ValidationProvider v-slot='{ classes, errors }' rules='required' name='Anrede'>
<CustomSelect :options='gender'
placeholder='Anrede *'
<span class='text-mb-error font-medium text-sm italic'>{{ errors[0] }}</span>
<div class='block'>
class='bg-secondary hover:bg-secondary-200 text-white py-3 px-4 w-full mt-5 focus:outline-none'
as method I have the following function
onSubmit () {
this.$emit('onSendRegistration', this.form)
which works fine if form is valid but if it fails never gets executed. Where can I catch if form validation fails?
As per the documentation:
] calls validation like validate and mutates provider's state, accepts a callback to be run only if the validation is successful.
So to run a callback in the case of an error in validation you would have to trigger the validation programmatically using a ref
in the ValidationObserver
Your opening ValidationObserver
tag would now look like this:
<ValidationObserver tag='div' class='bg-white pt-6 pb-6 mb-4' ref='form'>
Your opening form
tag should be now like this:
class='mx-auto rounded-lg overflow-hidden pt-6 pb-6 space-y-10'
:class="{'is-loading' : isLoading}"
And your onSubmit
method should be something like this:
onSubmit () {
this.$refs.form.validate().then(success => {
if (!success) {
// run your error code here
alert('Form has been submitted!');
Besides this programmatic approach there's no equivalent to handleSubmit
for running a callback function after an invalid form submission.
Check the docs for more info about the programmatic access with $refs.