I'm trying to plot points from a csv using ggmap. The input csv has latitude, longitude, and hex color value (as well as a seed used to create the color value). However, the hex for the point and the actual color of the point don't match. Why is that?
The current output
My code:
stores <- data.frame((read.csv(file="./mapData")
# Fetch the map
madison = get_map(location = location, source = "osm")
# Draw the map
madisonMap = ggmap(madison)
# Add the points layer
madisonMap = madisonMap +
geom_point(data = stores,
aes(x = Longitude, y = Latitude, colour = Color),
size = 5)
Example subsection of the dataset:
Latitude, Longitude, Seed, Color
45.508785, -122.632101 , 8, #22DD00
45.515093, -122.642574, 11, #55AA00
45.485144, -122.596184, 15.3, #9F6000
If you map color to a hex value, ggplot will by default interpret that as a character string. To make it parse that as a color, add + scale_color_identity()
ggplot(mtcars[1:30,] %>%
mutate(color = rep(c("#22DD00", "#55AA00", "#9F6000"), times = 10)),
aes(wt, mpg, color = color)) +
ggplot(mtcars[1:30,] %>%
mutate(color = rep(c("#22DD00", "#55AA00", "#9F6000"), times = 10)),
aes(wt, mpg, color = color)) +
geom_point() +
You need to add it with scale_colour_manual
I assume the color is supposed to represent Seed
madisonMap = madisonMap + geom_point(data = stores, aes(x = Longitude, y = Latitude,colour=as.factor(Seed)), size = 5) +