I create a new blazor hosted project, named foo, from the dotnet CLI:
dotnet new blazorwasm --hosted
I run the app with
dotnet run -c Release
The template app works correctly when requesting https://localhost:5001 (or 5000)
I then publish the app with:
dotnet publish -c Release
And then try to launch it with
dotnet Server/bin/Release/net5.0/publish/foo.Server.dll
I expect the app to lanch correctly. But I actually get a 404 response. Why is that ?
- It was working properly few days ago.
- When publishing, we get the message "Optimizing assemblies for size, which may change the behavior of the app. Be sure to test after publishing. See: https://aka.ms/dotnet-illink". I don't think this has anything to do with my issue as it was working properly before.
- I'm on Windows 10, dotnet sdk version 5.0.102
Blazor WASM Hosted project has three projects: client, server and shared. To publish the solution as a one publish site, run the command
dotnet publish MyWasmSolution.sln -C Release --output .\publish
The publish folder contain all DLLs of server/client and shared and wwwroot of both server and client including blazor.webassembly.js with all compressed file.
Then, move to the publish folder (the Content root, because dotnet run
consider the current folder as the Content root).
Run the next script:
cd path/to/folder/publish
dotnet foo.Server.dll
The index.html is loaded in the browser and if you click F12 (dev tools) you find no errors.