Installing iOS app to non tester device through Diawi

折月煮酒 提交于 2021-01-28 20:00:43


Is it possible to install the app through a 3rd party service like on a device that is not registered as a tester device on my profile on developer apple?

I already have a developer account but I want to be able to test the application on my friends phones before submitting it on apple store and getting all of their uuid is pretty difficult and currently I can't get access to those devices in order to install it directly.

Update Testflight

So I uploaded my build in TestFlight and is in this status:

uploaded build

I created a test group, added the build:

Added build

And added a tester:

Added testers

But after adding the tester it dosent send the invite to the app, it just says no build available


Yes, you can do that. Follow the steps below:

  1. Upload a build to TestFlight.
  2. Create a new External App Tester Group.

  1. Open the newly created group and goto the Build tab. Add Build uploaded in Step 1 here and follow the further steps.

And Finally submit for the app for beta review, after apple review finished, you can generate a link and share it with your friends.

