What are Best Practices for preventing SQL injection in node-mysql?

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2021-01-28 18:31:58


There has been some discussion on this topic (e.g. Preventing SQL injection in Node.js )but really no clear-cut clarity or a deep discussion, let alone good documentation anywhere. The node-mysql docs discuss prevention of SQL injection and some escape functions. However, it is unclear how these functions prevent SQL injection. The manual says "Strings are safely escaped." Nothing more... Is that limited to escaping some characters only?

There seem to be other equivalents in node-mysql for the same function as in connection.escape and pool.escape with an emphasis again that these functions are used to prevent SQL injection.

There also does not seem to be support for a true prepare statement in node-mysql. The plans and documentation are again unclear on this. Node-mysql is clearly a very popular module in the node.js environment and fairly stable at least in the limited experience I had with it. What are the Best Practices for preventing SQL injection in node-mysql?


Remember that SQL injections are caused by hostile strings being interpreted as commands, not by blocking commands. Are you sure that you're getting the original string back, not a stringified version?

For example there's a huge difference between these two: "test" and "'test'".

Generally only harmful characters are escaped, the rest are left as-is.

Using the low-level driver is best avoided. Try and use a library like Sequelize to provide some abstraction and more support. That module supports placeholder statements that generally make escaping a non-issue, it's handled automatically.

See the section on raw queries with replacements where you have the ability to do this:

sequelize.query('SELECT * FROM projects WHERE status = ?',
  { replacements: ['active'], type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }
).then(function(projects) {

There's no risk of user data leaking through because you've supplied it as an explicit value that's handled properly, not an inline string in the query.


still sequelize is vulnerable

db.query('SELECT Desc FROM Items WHERE Username IN (:names)', {
  replacements: {
    names: ["Bobby", "'); DELETE FROM Items WHERE 1=1; --')"]

