Using irrelevant fields

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2021-01-28 14:07:09


Is it possible to declare fields in a record irrelevant but still use them somewhere?

Suppose I have

postulate f : ℕ → ℕ
record Silly x : Set where
    n : ℕ
    s : f n ≡ x

open Silly

Then, I can

same-silly : ∀{x} {p q : Silly x} → f (n p) ≡ f(n q)
same-silly {x} {p} {q} = ≡-trans (s p) (≡-sym (s q))

But if I use dotted-fields,

record Silly x : Set where
    n : ℕ
    .s : f n ≡ x  -- note the dot

then same-silly can no longer be proven ---not by me at least. When I attempt to use s, as in the definition above, Agda informs me Identifier s is declared irrelevant, so it cannot be used here.

I understand that I declared s irrelevant by dotting it, but I still want a bit of access to it: enough access to define same-silly. Is there a way to have this little bit but not complete access? What I mean is that I am thinking of s as a coherency condition that I'd like to use once in a blue-moon, but not terrible important and so the dot. Maybe ignore this paragraph.

Is it possible to form same-silly and have s be dotted?


Aside: does the dotted pattern mean propositional equality coincides with the relation

_~_ : ∀{x} (p q : Silly x) → Set
p ~ q = n p ≡ n q

? In particular, by adding to the record constructor _#_, I can show

eq : ∀{m x}{p q : f m ≡ x} → (m # p) ≡ (m # q) 
eq = ≡-refl

but I'm not yet certain that dotting fields means that definitionally equality ignores the dotted fields.

I'm browsing; which says that there are projections for dotted fields, but it seems I cannot use them anywhere.


Any help is appreciated!


You can use irrelevant projections, but only when you are working in an irrelevant context. One way to enter an irrelevant context is to make the proof itself irrelevant:

.same-silly : ∀{x} {p q : Silly x} → f (n p) ≡ f(n q)
same-silly {x} {p} {q} = ≡-trans (s p) (≡-sym (s q))

This means that you will only be able to use the same-silly proof in irrelevant contexts as well.

Regarding your second question, the answer is yes: you can prove the following:

silly-equality : ∀ {n} {x y : Silly n} → x ~ y → x ≡ y
silly-equality refl = refl

So equality of the first projection (your ~ relation) really corresponds to propositional equality.

