extract href values containing keyword using XPath in python

假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-01-28 10:32:04


I know variants of this question have been asked a number of times but I've not been able to crack it and get what I want.

I have a website which has a few tables in it. The table of interest contains a column where each row contains the word Text hyperlinked to a different page. Here is a specific example from the first row on the above linked page:

<a href="_alexandria_RIC_VI_099b_K-AP.txt">Text</a>

This is the general pattern:

<a href="_something_something-blah-blah.txt">Text</a>

Right now I'm doing this:

import requests  
import lxml.html as lh
page = requests.get("http://www.wildwinds.com/coins/ric/constantine/t.html")
doc = lh.fromstring(page.content)
href_elements = doc.xpath('/html/body/center/table/tbody/tr/td/a/@href')

The desired response should be an array of items looking like this: _something_something-blah-blah.txt What I get is an empty array.

Since the page has other href elements I'm not interested in, I also want to modify the query to only grab the href elements that contain .txt in their values.

Any help you can provide is much appreciated!


Try something like:

href_elements = doc.xpath('//center//table//a[contains(@href,".txt")]["Text"]/@href')
for href in href_elements:




