i'm using next js and cloudinary
so I uploaded the image to the cloudinary and put the url in the react
The url is https://res.cloudinary.com/doqurzmbt/image/upload/v1594709094/google-analytics-ux_g6w5ti.jpg
but the image did not show up in react this is my codesandbox
so I tried I just wrote a general image tag and a cloud-react npm but also did not work
but the other link works very well what is the problem?
When I run your code it's working on my end. here is a screenshot: https://res.cloudinary.com/shirly/image/upload/v1594753839/Screen%20Shot%202020-07-14%20at%2012.10.17%20PM_ulddld.png
Our best practice will be to use something like:
<Image cloudName="doqurzmbt" publicId="google-analytics-ux_g6w5ti" width="300" crop="scale" />
Same as your code in the example.js code.