I am a beginner in R. I am working on linear programming using R studio's Cplex to solve a model. One of the constraint in my model is Xl(i,j,t) <= D(i,j,t). I am able to do this with nested for loop with a small dimension (16X16X6). But I want to run my model a lot bigger model, more like 2500X2500X60. I need to save memory and run it faster than the nested for loop. I thought about using apply but I don't know how to make it work. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
location <-16
horizon <-6
Amat <- NULL
Xe_null <- array(0, dim = c(locations, locations, horizon))
Xl_null <- array(0, dim = c(locations, locations, horizon))
Xl <- array(0, dim = c(locations, locations, horizon))
Xl <- Xl_null
for (t in 1:horizon) {
for (j in 1:locations) {
for (i in 1:locations) {
Xl[i,j,t] <- 1
Amat <- rbind(Amat, c(as.vector(Xe_null), as.vector(Xl)))
Xl <- Xl_null
} } }
dim(Amat) # 1536 3072
Here is another constraint.
R <- array(, dim=c(locations, horizon, horizon))
R_null <- array(, dim=c(locations, horizon, horizon))
R <- R_null
Xe <- Xe_null
Xl <- Xl_null
for (t in 1:(horizon-1)) {
for (tp in (t+1):horizon) {
for (j in 1:locations) {
for (i in 1:locations) {
if ((tp-t) ==Travel_time[i,j])
R[j,tp,t] = 1
R[j,tp,t+1] = -1
Amat <- rbind(Amat, c(as.vector(Xe), as.vector(Xl),as.vector(R)))
I try to do this:
Xl = function(ii,jj,tt){1}
t =c(1:horizon)
i =c(1:locations)
j =c(1:locations)
output_Xl = apply(expand.grid(i,j,t),1,function(x,y,h) Xl(x[1],x[2],x[3]))
Xl_new <- array(output_Xl, dim = c(locations, locations, horizon))
Amat <- rbind(Amat, c(as.vector(Xe_null), as.vector(Xl_new)))
dim(Amat) # 1 3072
You can get the same output with
T <- horizon*locations*locations
Bmat <- cbind(matrix(0, nrow=T, ncol=T), diag(1, nrow=T, ncol=T))
identical(Amat, Bmat)
I think what you need is to make a vectorized function giving the same output (see ?Vectorize
). Below code is five hundred times as fast as yours.
At your real problems, maybe you need to use <<-
instead of <-
(see ?"<<-"
my_func <- function(a, b, c){
Xl[a, b, c] <- 1
c(as.vector(Xe_null), as.vector(Xl))
vectorized_my_func <- Vectorize(my_func, c("a", "b", "c"))
arg_df <- expand.grid(1:locations, 1:locations, 1:horizon)
res <- vectorized_my_func(arg_df[,1], arg_df[,2], arg_df[,3])
identical(Amat, t(res)) # TRUE
# your code
## user system elapsed
## 77.538 18.293 97.056
# my code
## user system elapsed
### 0.137 0.051 0.189