Can't load image from raw to imageview

风格不统一 提交于 2021-01-28 05:53:49


I want to load image using setImageResource, from raw folder to imageview, But I get Expected resource of type drawable error.

I'm using android studio, Before that when I was using Eclipse everything was fine. I don't want to use drawable folder.


raw folder:

raw folder in my project

Any suggestion? Thanks


I want to load image using setImageResource, from raw folder to imageview, But I get Expected resource of type drawable error.

Using a raw resource for setImageResource() is not documented behavior.

Before that when I was using Eclipse everything was fine

Not really. While your code runs, it might not on all past, present, and future versions of Android. This is why there is a compiler warning.

because drawable scaled down images depend of device

Use drawable-nodpi for drawables that should not be scaled based upon screen density. That is usually not a good idea, but perhaps you have a reason for it.

A safer approach for using a raw resource would be to use openRawResource() on Resources to get an InputStream, then use BitmapFactory to read in the bitmap.

You are welcome to suppress the warning with @SuppressWarnings("ResourceType"), but do not complain when your app stops working.


You can try it

   InputStream imageStream = this.getResources().openRawResource(;
   Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(imageStream);

