How do I add event listener to videojs when the video is start to play? (this event should be called at the begging of the play)?
I searched on Player Events docs, but I can't find any event that tell me "now the video is start play".
You can do this videojs way.
play.on('play', () => { });
I suggest checking the docs for the <video> element.
You will see many events are emitted. Most importantly,
play - Playback has begun.
We can add an event listener to the element listening for this event:
document.querySelector('.video').addEventListener('play', evt => {
// code you want to happen when the video plays
Note: document.querySelector('.video')
is just a filler, select the element however you want to
I suggest this over @FlashThunder's solution because you can add multiple listeners and for other reasons.
right there on the docs you have the timeupdate event, you could set a flag to true when it starts.
That's only a "skin" for HTML5 player, you can access the original HTML5 element by .player()
function, and then use those:
var vid = myplayer.player();
vid.onplay = function() {
alert("The video has started to play");
Return the component's player