Pass POJOs in Cucumber Example table

北战南征 提交于 2021-01-28 04:16:53


Description: As a test developer, I would like to use a single scenario to test 3 different environments.

Simplified Scenario example:

  Scenario: Login to the login page and assert that the user is logged in
    Given User navigates to the page
    And User enters valid login credentials
    When User clicks on the login button
    Then Landing page can be seen

Data ( These are grabbed from a property file - converted to POJO ) :

url =
username = john
password = doe1

url =
username = john2
password = doe2

url =
username = john3
password = doe3

Test Setup

  1. Each environment has its own test runner ( failsafe )
  2. Each environment runs in parallel.
  3. Test runs and is built via ~mvn clean verify
  4. Tests are property file dependant as environments may change.

Potential solution: Is there a way to pass POJOs in the Example Table? or Cucumber's data table?

I am new to BDD and Cucumber - any help would be great. Thank you.

TLDR: is there a way to pass the Prop File variable in the Examples Table in Cucumber?

| URL | Username | Password | 
| env1.getUrl | env1.getUsername | env1.getPassword |

So it'll be

  Scenario: Login to the login page and assert that the user is logged in
    Given User navigates to the page <URL>
    And User enters valid login credentials <Username> and <Password>
    When User clicks on the login button
    Then Landing page can be seen


You can use the scenario outline to run the same scenario with different data for each run. But it will be not parallel. It is sequential. The feature file is,

  Scenario Outline: Login to the login page and assert that the user is logged in
    Given User navigates to the page <URL>
    And User enters valid login credentials <Username> and <Password>
    When User clicks on the login button
    Then Landing page can be seen
  |URL                 |UserName|Passowrd|
  ||john1   |doe1    |
  ||john2   |doe2    |    
  ||john3   |doe3    |

You can use a single runner class. No need to use either property file nor pojo class.


You can achieve that using cucumber extension for BDD2. By using it you can have external examples or you can use properties in example as below:

| URL | Username | Password | 
| ${env1.getUrl} | {env1.getUsername} | ${env1.getPassword} |

Alternate is you can use CSV or XML data provider.

In order to use pojo, you need to modify your step definition to accept either DataTable or POJO as argument. When accepting POJO as argument you need to write transformer.

When you use cucumber extension you can also use QAFTestStep which accepts POJO without addition effort. Here you can find step examples and feature file.

