Angular-Datatables + Angular-xeditable : editable row canceled

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2021-01-28 04:08:20


When combining angular-datatables and angular-xeditable, editable row is canceled when adding a new row.

This is the jsfiddle. Sample operation is as follows.

(1) This is initial state.

(2) editing first and third rows to status "status4".

(3) Press Add row.

On (3), editting is canceled and status is reverted to "status1". My hope is both row1 and row3 are kept editting and status stays "status4". If without angular-datatables, it works as my hope as this jsfiddle, but I would like to use with datatables.

How can I fix?


I had a DataTables table in Angular that I needed to make inline editable - this CellEdit plugin and its basic initialization code worked like a charm! Not sure if it supports adding new rows and deleting rows, though.

Hope this helps!

