How do you wait for an application to close in OS X?

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2021-01-28 02:02:07


I am using the code below to check if an application is running and close it. Can someone provide an example of how to request an application calose and wait for it to close before proceeding?

+ (BOOL)isApplicationRunningWithName:(NSString *)applicationName {
    BOOL isAppActive = NO;
    NSDictionary *aDictionary;
    NSArray *selectedApps = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] runningApplications];

    for (aDictionary in selectedApps) {
        if ([[aDictionary valueForKey:@"NSApplicationName"] isEqualToString: applicationName]) {
            isAppActive = YES;
    return isAppActive;

+ (void)stopApplication:(NSString *)pathToApplication {
    NSString *appPath = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] fullPathForApplication:pathToApplication];
    NSString *identifier = [[NSBundle bundleWithPath:appPath] bundleIdentifier];
    NSArray *selectedApps = [NSRunningApplication runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier:identifier];
    // quit all
    [selectedApps makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(terminate)];


You can use Key-Value Observing to observe the terminated property of each running application. This way, you'll get notified when each application terminates, without having to poll.


One way would be to periodically call isApplicationRunningWithName on a timer, and wait until that function returns NO.


The commandline timelimit will let you send a close signal to an app, wait x seconds, then kill it (or send any other signal you like, kill is -9) if hasn't obeyed the "warning" signal.

(Note: I haven't tried compiling it on Mac, but I believe it's fairly POSIX-compliant code and not Linux-specific as it runs on BSD and others.)

