Perl and Selenium::Remote::Driver

China☆狼群 提交于 2021-01-27 21:30:21



I have a server on AWS somewhere in Northern Virginia and this is my monitoring server. I ssh into this Ubuntu server from another State to do system administration. I want to do web automation tests on this server which will test a web application on the Internet hitting a URL and verify that I can selenium test a login and authenticate successfully. This server is on an AWS cloud I'm not quite sure which Perl module to use since I'm accessing it remotely.

There are two CPAN modules: Selenium::Remote::Driver and WWW::Selenium. I have tried both and they are giving me issues. And I really don't know which is appropriate for my scenario. When I use Selenium::Remote::Driver, I get the following error:

Selenium server did not return proper status at     /usr/local/share/perl/5.18.2/Selenium/Remote/ line 401.

When I use WWW::Selenium, I get this error:

Failed to start new browser session: org.openqa.selenium.server.RemoteCommandException: Error while launching browser

I was able to launch firefox manually from the AWS monitoring server by exporting the DISPLAY but it was really slow. I have heard that I can use a headless browser but I would have to export the DISPLAY by:

export DISPLAY=:5

But remember, I'm sshing into this AWS/Selenium server from my desktop so I'm assuming I use the above command on the AWS/Selenium Server while I'm ssh into it from my desktop? Actually, at this point, I'm not sure I'm doing here. Can somebody help?


Try running the below code:

use warnings;
use strict;
use Selenium::Remote::Driver;

my $host = ""; //Enter your server IP in this place
my $driver = new Selenium::Remote::Driver('remote_server_addr' =>  $host,
                                           'port' => '4444', 
                                           'auto_close' => 0);


The problem in this type of questions is that the variety of configurations and binaries in your setup might be so broad that the it is hard to actually provide a straight and correct answer for YOUR SETUP. This answer has the following assumptions:

  • you have downloaded the selenium-server-standalone.jar into /usr/lib/
  • you have jdk 1.8 ( run the java -version in the shell
  • you have installed and configured the xvfb-run ( it is a fight on it's own ) So :


 # ssh to your server , obs the -X !
 ssh -X user-name@server-name

 # start the selenium-server-standalone on the server
 xvfb-run -e /dev/stdout java -jar /usr/lib/selenium-server-standalone.jar &

  # one liner test - this is one veery long one 
 perl -e 'use strict ; use warnings ; use Data::Printer ; my $host=""; use Selenium::Remote::Driver;my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new( "browser_name" =>"chrome", "error_handler" => sub { print $_[1]; croak 'goodbye'; }, "remote_server_addr" => "$host","port"=> "4444");$driver->debug_on();$driver->get(""); print $driver->get_title();$driver->quit();' &


Here is the code in the one-liner as a perl script

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use Carp ;
use Data::Printer ;
 use Selenium::Remote::Driver;

my $host="";
my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new(
    "browser_name" =>"chrome"
  , "error_handler" => sub { print $_[1]; croak 'goodbye' ; }
  , "remote_server_addr" => "$host"
  , "port"=> "4444") ;
$driver->debug_on() ;
print $driver->get_title();

The output should look something like: ```

        Prepping get
        Executing get
        REQ: POST,, {"url":""}
        RES: {"sessionId":"ddb9c2575ab026cdb8c640bdc554181b","status":0,"value":null}

        Prepping getTitle
        Executing getTitle
        REQ: GET,, {}
        RES: {"sessionId":"ddb9c2575ab026cdb8c640bdc554181b","status":0,"value":"Google"}

        GooglePrepping quit
        Executing quit
        REQ: DELETE,, {}
        RES: {"sessionId":"ddb9c2575ab026cdb8c640bdc554181b","status":0,"value":null}


