Is it possible to construct a query in which I can retrieve week day name from a date into a separate column or variable?
I know I can very easily do this on .NET side but would like it to be in the query.
You can also use SqlFunctions...
var results=context.Listings
Of course, this only works when using a SQL Server. Methods that are cross-database, would be to use EntityFunctions.DateDiff with a known date to get the number of days between whatever and a known prior sunday, then modulus 7, then convert to a string.
It is possible you will need to build your query which returns day names and then join to your result on day number
int[] dayNum={1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
var result = from d in dayNum
let dayOfWeek= (d == 1 ? "Monday" :
d==2 ? "Tuesday" :
d==3 ? "Wednesday" :
d==4 ? "Thursday" :
d==5 ? "Friday" :
d==6 ? "Saturday" :
d==7 ? "Sunday":"")
let dn = d
group d by new {dayOfWeek, dn} into dw
select new { dw.Key.dayOfWeek, dw.Key.dn};
The result of this will be