Is it possible to restream an internet radio using PHP?
Radio is available at port 8000. I would like to use my webserver and "transmit" the radio stream to port 80.
Is it possible?
I have already been googling it around and I found http://support.spacialnet.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=16858&start=15 but it doesn't work for me. It does actually work. Before I just forget to change MIME type of the stream.
I customized solution from previously mentioned URL (http://support.spacialnet.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=16858&start=15). It does work now, but the stream always breaks after in about 8 minutes of listening. Any clue why? (server max. execution time is set to 30 seconds). I tested different streams with various bitrates, but it behaves exactly same every time. Any help?
I probably shouldn't be answering this question, but I had some free time at work and wanted to play with sockets a bit.
Here is my class, it isn't well-tested(well, it worked on the first run which is suspicious) and may be buggy, but it may give you some usefull ideas. It strips ICY* headers as that example you posted, but that can be easily changed.
I tested it on Ubuntu Totem player and it played well for 10 minutes before I stopped it, but maybe I just got lucky (: At least 8 minutes seems not to be some magical number.
class RadioProxy {
CONST STREAM_content_type='audio/aac';
CONST STREAM_timeout=1.5;
CONST HTTP_response_header_first='/\s200\s/';
CONST HTTP_response_header_pattern='/^[a-z\-]+:/i';
CONST HTTP_max_line_length=1024;
CONST HTTP_delim="\r\n";
CONST HTTP_max_response_headers=40;
CONST ERROR_interval=120;
CONST ERROR_usleep=300000;
private $server_name, $server_port;
private $HTTP_headers;
private $STREAM = NULL;
private $STREAM_errors = array();
private $TIMEOUT_seconds, $TIMEOUT_microseconds;
public function __construct($server_name, $server_port, $filename='') {
$this->server_name = $server_name;
$this->server_port = $server_port;
$this->HTTP_headers = $this->HTTP_generate_headers($filename);
private function connect() {
$HTTP_headers_length = strlen($this->HTTP_headers);
do {
if (!$this->STREAM_connect()) {
if (!$this->STREAM_send_headers()) {
if (!$this->STREAM_skip_headers()) {
if (!$this->STREAM_proxy()) {
} while ($this->ERROR_is_accepteble());
private function HTTP_generate_headers($filename) {
$header = '';
self::HTTP_add_header($header, 'GET /' . rawurlencode($filename) . ' HTTP/1.0');
self::HTTP_add_header($header, 'Host: ' . $this->server_name);
self::HTTP_add_header($header, 'User-Agent: WinampMPEG/5.11');
self::HTTP_add_header($header, 'Accept: */*');
self::HTTP_add_header($header, 'Connection: close');
//End of headers
return $header;
private static function HTTP_add_header(&$header, $new_header_line='') {
$header.=$new_header_line . self::HTTP_delim;
private function ERROR_is_accepteble() {
//Delete old errors
array_filter($this->STREAM_errors, 'self::ERROR_remove_old');
$this->STREAM_errors[] = time();
return count($this->STREAM_errors) <= self::ERROR_max;
private static function ERROR_remove_old($error_time) {
return ($error_time - time()) <= self::ERROR_interval;
private function STREAM_connect() {
if (!ob_get_level()) {
if ($this->STREAM !== NULL) {
$this->STREAM = fsockopen($this->server_name, $this->server_port);
if ($this->STREAM === FALSE) {
return FALSE;
$this->TIMEOUT_seconds = floor(self::STREAM_timeout);
$this->TIMEOUT_microseconds = ceil((self::STREAM_timeout - $this->TIMEOUT_seconds) * 1000);
return stream_set_timeout($this->STREAM, $this->TIMEOUT_seconds, $this->TIMEOUT_microseconds);
private function STREAM_send_headers() {
return fwrite($this->STREAM, $this->HTTP_headers) === strlen($this->HTTP_headers);
private function STREAM_skip_headers() {
$read_expect = array($this->STREAM);
$if_first_header = true;
$header_lines_count = 0;
do {
stream_select($read_expect, $NULL, $NULL, $this->TIMEOUT_seconds, $this->TIMEOUT_microseconds);
$header_line = stream_get_line($this->STREAM, self::HTTP_max_line_length, self::HTTP_delim);
if ($header_line === FALSE) {
return FALSE;
if ($if_first_header) {
$if_first_header = false;
if (!preg_match(self::HTTP_response_header_first, $header_line)) {
return FALSE;
if (empty($header_line)) {
return TRUE;
if (!preg_match(self::HTTP_response_header_pattern, $header_line)) {
return FALSE;
} while ($header_lines_count < self::HTTP_max_response_headers);
return FALSE;
private function STREAM_proxy() {
$read_expect = array($this->STREAM);
//No output buffering should be here!
while (@ob_end_clean ());
do {
stream_select($read_expect, $NULL, $NULL, $this->TIMEOUT_seconds, $this->TIMEOUT_microseconds);
} while (fpassthru($this->STREAM));
private static function STREAM_set_headers() {
//Clean all output
header("Content-type: " . self::STREAM_content_type);
$TestRadio = new RadioProxy('XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX', XXXX,'XXXX.mp3');
P.S. Don't do this.
I shouldn't be telling you this. But from a purely academic stand-point you probably want to be using fpassthru. This will allow you to load a file (in this case a stream) and dump it out immediately and for as long as it takes. (For a stream, that's forever.)
As to the particular details, that will probably look a lot like the link you provided.
Possible Issue: The maximum run-time of the script may become an issue. I'm not sure. If so, you can always increase it to something you are unlikely to reach in a given listening.
Lastly. Don't do this...
It's definitely technically possible. I'd try using wireshark to look at the packets. There might be something missing at the 8 minute mark that is proprietary to SHOUTcast.
You might also try buffering it a bit. Maybe the stream stalls?