In the defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', false);
line of code we are checking if debug has defined previously it will do nothing but if not it will set to false
I did not get this I mean what if we want to override previous value and why we cant simply do define('YII_DEBUG', false);
why it necessary to check previous value if we don't want to use that?
I didnt do it but you are not clear about my question, we can only change the YII_DEBUG value in /web/index.php. one more thing if YII_DEBUG has defined anywhere else but after that if we want to change its value what to do for that as 'or' will not change it and it is constant too so cant change its value?
Yes, you are very wrong... You can declare the YII_DEBUG value anywhere where you want, but... if it is redefined: Notice: Constant YII_DEBUG already defined in... I think thats the reason of defined() or... TO PREVENT THIS ERROR
You can just change it to true
or false
to a page on the fly by just doing this:
define('YII_DEBUG', true);
In such cases defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', false);
comes in handy it checks if YII_DEBUG
was true
or false
, if it finds YII_DEBUG
has already been set to true
or false
somewhere else then it doesn't executes the or
This defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', true);
is equivalent to
if (!defined('YII_DEBUG')) {
define('YII_DEBUG', true);
So, you see it checks if YII_DEBUG
has been defined somewhere else, if not then it sets to true
in this case.
To debug any page on the fly, you can just do this:
if (isset($_GET['debug'])) define('YII_DEBUG', true);
of course you will have to change your url then, for example:
to www.example.com/site/myAction/debug/true
and remove it from index.php
Its not mandatory to define YII_DEBUG
in index.php
, it is aleady defined in Yii
applications, you can find it in root yii.php
file in case of Yii2
and in case of Yii1
its defined in framework/YiiBase.php
defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', true);
defined('YII_ENV') or define('YII_ENV', 'dev');
are defined in yourApp/web/index.php
and this costant define a level of debug info. In development enviroment normally this flag is set to true and then in in case of error there are show detailed information regarding the error and the code gerating the error, if false not or few information are show.
Tipically in production eviroment this costant is set to false. so minus information are show to the user.
for the defined or define
is the costant is already defined the not need define otherwise php define the constat. see php doc http://php.net/manual/en/function.defined.php
defined — Checks whether a given named constant exists
You can find more information in Yii2 doc http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-runtime-handling-errors.html
The error handler adjusts the error display according to the value of the constant YII_DEBUG
is true (meaning in debug mode), the error handler will display exceptions with detailed call stack information and source code lines to help easier debugging. And when YII_DEBUG
is false, only the error message will be displayed to prevent revealing sensitive information about the application.
Have a look at YII_DEBUG and YiiBase.php and yii.php
defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', false)
checks if the constant YII_DEBUG
was defined (regardless of its value), and if it wasn't defined earlier it defines the constant as false
The line ensures the constant is defined so it can be used and its first part (defined('YII_DEBUG') or
) ensures this line won't override it to false
if it was set to true