This question is follow up on another SO thread.
When I'm trying to use this manifest, getting error.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<control namespace="MyControls.MyGridControl" constructor="MyGridControl" display-name-key="MyGridControl" description-key="MyGridControl" version="1.0.0" hidden="false" control-type="virtual">
<modes><read /><edit /></modes>
<data-set name="Grid" display-name-key="CC_Grid_DSGrid" cds-data-set-options="displayViewSelector:false;displayQuickFind:false"></data-set>
<dependency name="MscrmControls.Grid.ReadOnlyGrid" />
<code path="MyGridControl.js" order="1" />
<web classic="enable" />
<phone />
<tablet />
Error in VS code terminal when trying to build:
Manifest validation problem: instance.manifest.control[0] is not allowed to have the additional property "dependencies"
What tweak should I make to move ahead?