Using Laravel bootstrap css to style only a section of a page

不羁岁月 提交于 2021-01-24 22:26:14


I'm trying to use the default bootstrap css (app.css) that ships with Laravel to style a section of my page - specifically, the form section of my registration page.

I don't want to include app.css in my html header as it gives me undesired effect on other parts of the page. So I want it to style only my html forms within the page.

Currently, I've used either the asset() or HTML::style() methods like this within my form section:

<style> @import "{{ asset('css/app.css') }}"; </style>


{{ HTML::style('css/app.css') }}

Both method loads the style correctly, but affects the entire page instead of only the form elements.

I tried using the ViewComposer class to solve this problem by setting a variable in ViewComposer to my desired style - returning it only when I request the required view:

class ViewComposer
  public function compose(View $view)
    $data = [];
      case 'sections.register':
        $this->data = ['style'=>"<style> @import \"". asset('css/app.css') . "\"; </style>"];

    return $view->with($this->data);

However, when I render the sections.register sub-view, I get the style variable like this:

{{ $style ?? '' }}

the output on the browser is not parsed as css but displayed as-is:

<style> @import "{{ asset('css/app.css') }}"; </style>

So, is there a way I can parse external css for only a given view section within the html page and can it be achieved using the ViewComposer class?

UPDATE: I was trying a few things and used this:

{!! $style ?? '' !!}

The css is parsed but still applied to the entire page. I still need it applied to only the form section.


1. One option is to copy only the css you need and paste it into custom css and make a different layout for that view. But that can be tedious work as you said.

2. Another option is to prefix you app.css file. There is a software that can do that here is the tutorial. So if you prefix whole css file with for example: .laravel-app then you can wrap anything that you would like to be styled by app.css like this:

<div class="laravel-app">
<!-- Everything in here will be styled by app.css -->

This will help you in the long run with your project.


First of all, importing or loading css per-view will be bad for the performance of the application. So, using View Composer to load in css is not advisable. I took a cue from Denis Ćerić's answer, though it wasn't clear at first glance.

Also, the accepted answer on this post made things a little clearer.

The right way to achieve this is to use a css preprocessor. Popular ones are less and sass. I used sass because it is currently adopted by Laravel.

I installed sass on my windows machine following the instructions here.

Create a new scss file: app-custom.scss in the same folder as app.css.

Modify app-custom.scss using nested imports:

    @import 'app';

Generate app-custom.css using the sass command on Windows command line:

sass app-custom.scss app-custom.css

Change the class of your form to app-form:

<form class='app-form'>...</form>

Include app-custom.css in your header using link tag:

    <link href="{{ asset('css/app-custom.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">

and you are done.

HINT: if you want to use the style in app.css for multiple separate sections of your page, you can still achieve this from a single scss file. Just include the classes of each section in your scss file like this:

.section-1, .section-2, .section-3
    @import 'app';

