The following examples will use this configuration which is taken from http://pennington.net/tutorial/ciscoconfparse/ccp_tutorial.html#slide3
! filename:exampleswitch.conf
hostname ExampleSwitch
interface GigabitEthernet 1/1
switchport mode trunk
interface GigabitEthernet 1/2
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 20
switchport nonegotiate
no cdp enable
interface GigabitEthernet 1/3
no switchport
ip address
This is the code which is also taken from http://pennington.net/tutorial/ciscoconfparse/ccp_tutorial.html#slide7
from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse
parse = CiscoConfParse('exampleswitch.conf', syntax='ios')
for intf_obj in parse.find_objects_w_child('^interface', '^\s+shutdown'):
print("Shutdown: " + intf_obj.text)
$ python script.py
Shutdown: interface GigabitEthernet 1/1
The code is working just fine. But instead of just displaying Shutdown: interface GigabitEthernet 1/1
, would it be possible to display the whole interface GigabitEthernet 1/1
block in the output which is:
interface GigabitEthernet 1/1
switchport mode trunk
I guess what you are looking for is find_blocks.
find_blocks(linespec, exactmatch=False, ignore_ws=False). Find all siblings matching the linespec, then find all parents of those siblings. Return a list of config lines sorted by line number, lowest first
Have a look at the Ciscoconfparse API Documentation which includes an Example.
So I guess it would look something like this:
from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse
parse = CiscoConfParse('exampleswitch.conf', syntax='ios')
for intf_obj in parse.find_blocks(r'^\sshutdown'):
is definately the better solution. But if you're still want to use find_objects_w_child
, you might need to iterate all_children
as follows:
>>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse
>>> parse = CiscoConfParse('exampleswitch.conf')
>>> for i in parse.find_objects_w_child('^interface', '^\s+shutdown'):
... i.text
... for j in i.all_children:
... j.text
'interface GigabitEthernet 1/1'
' switchport mode trunk'
' shutdown'