I have a struct named Info which is decoded based on the data it receives. But sometimes, one of the values in data can either be a double or an array of double. How do I set up my struct for that?
struct Info: Decodable {
let author: String
let title: String
let tags: [Tags]
let price: [Double]
enum Tags: String, Decodable {
case nonfiction
case biography
case fiction
Based on the url, I either get price as a double
"author" : "Mark A",
"title" : "The Great Deman",
"tags" : [
"price" : "242"
or I get it as an array of doubles
"author" : "Mark A",
"title" : "The Great Deman",
"tags" : [
"price" : [
I want to setup my struct so that if I receive a double instead of an array of doubles, price should be decoded as an array of 1 double.
Your JSON actually is either a String or an array of Strings. So you need to create a custom decoder to decode and then convert them to Double:
struct Info {
let author, title: String
let tags: [Tags]
let price: [Double]
enum Tags: String, Codable {
case nonfiction, biography, fiction
extension Info: Codable {
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
author = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .author)
title = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .title)
tags = try container.decode([Tags].self, forKey: .tags)
do {
price = try [Double(container.decode(String.self, forKey: .price)) ?? .zero]
} catch {
price = try container.decode([String].self, forKey: .price).compactMap(Double.init)
Playground testing
let infoData = Data("""
"author" : "Mark A",
"title" : "The Great Deman",
"tags" : [
"price" : "242"
do {
let info = try JSONDecoder().decode(Info.self, from: infoData)
print("price",info.price) // "price [242.0]\n"
} catch {
let infoData2 = Data("""
"author" : "Mark A",
"title" : "The Great Deman",
"tags" : [
"price" : [
do {
let info = try JSONDecoder().decode(Info.self, from: infoData2)
print("price",info.price) // "price [242.0, 299.0, 335.0]\n"
} catch {