
◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2021-01-09 09:23:41

LightningChart.NET完全由GPU加速,并且性能经过优化,可用于实时显示海量数据-超过10亿个数据点。 LightningChart包括广泛的2D,高级3D,Polar,Smith,3D饼/甜甜圈,地理地图和GIS图表以及适用于科学,工程,医学,航空,贸易,能源和其他领域的体绘制功能。



// Set View3D as active view and set Z-axis range.
chart.ActiveView = ActiveView.View3D;
chart.View3D.ZAxisPrimary3D.SetRange(0, 80);


// Create a new PointLineSeries3D for displaying data and set axis bindings to primary axes.
var series = new PointLineSeries3D(chart.View3D, Axis3DBinding.Primary, Axis3DBinding.Primary, Axis3DBinding.Primary)
    // Set this to true to set a color for individual points.
    IndividualPointColors = true, 
    // Set this to true in order for mouse tracking to work.
    MouseInteraction = true 


// Set a title to the series.
series.Title.Text = "Series 0";

// Set point shape to a sphere.
series.PointStyle.Shape3D = PointShape3D.Sphere;

// Set individual point size.
series.PointStyle.Size3D.SetValues(3, 3, 3);

// Set the width of the line between points.
series.LineStyle.Width = 0.4f;

// Draw the line between points with the same color as the points.
series.LineStyle.LineOptimization = LineOptimization.NormalWithShading; 

// Set a color to the line.
series.LineStyle.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0);


// Create a SeriesPoint3D array for data points.
SeriesPoint3D[] points = new SeriesPoint3D[10];

// Generate sample data to the array.
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { // Random values for data points. points[j].X = 5 + j * 10; points[j].Y = 30 + random.NextDouble() * 25.0; points[j].Z = 10 + i * 10; // You can set an individual color to each point with the Color property. points[j].Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0); } // Set the points array to series Points property. series.Points = points; // Add the series to chart's View3D. chart.View3D.PointLineSeries3D.Add(series);


// Create a new annotation to display target values when hovering over a point with the mouse.
mouseAnnotation = new Annotation3D(chart.View3D, Axis3DBinding.Primary, Axis3DBinding.Primary, Axis3DBinding.Primary)
    // Set the annotation as invisible by default.
    Visible = false,

    // Set the annotations target location coordinates to use axis values.
    TargetCoordinateSystem = AnnotationTargetCoordinates.AxisValues,

    // Set the annotations location to use relative screen coordinates to target.
    LocationCoordinateSystem = CoordinateSystem.RelativeCoordinatesToTarget,

    // Disable mouse interaction with the annotation.
    MouseInteraction = false

// Set offset to annotation.
mouseAnnotation.LocationRelativeOffset.SetValues(40, -70);

// Add annotation to View3D.


chart.MouseMove += Chart_MouseMove;


private void Chart_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
    // Call BeginUpdate for chart to disable rendering while mouse is moving 
    // over the chart to improve performance.

    // Set label visible when not hovered over by mouse.
    mouseAnnotation.Visible = false;

    // Check if any object has been found under the mouse.
    object obj = chart.GetActiveMouseOverObject();
    if (obj != null)
        // Check if the active mouse over object is a PointLineSeries object.
        if (obj is PointLineSeries3D)
            PointLineSeries3D pointLineSeries3D = obj as PointLineSeries3D;

            // Get the point last hit by mouse.
            int pointIndex = pointLineSeries3D.LastMouseHitTestIndex;
            SeriesPoint3D point = pointLineSeries3D.Points[pointIndex];

            // Set annotation position to the moused over point.
            mouseAnnotation.TargetAxisValues.SetValues(point.X, point.Y, point.Z);

            // Set annotation text to display information about the moused over point.
            mouseAnnotation.Text = "Series index: " + chart.View3D.PointLineSeries3D.IndexOf(pointLineSeries3D).ToString()
                + "\nPoint index: " + pointIndex.ToString()
                + "\nX=" + point.X.ToString("0.0") + " ; Y=" + point.Y.ToString("0.0") + " ; Z=" + point.Z.ToString("0.0");

            // Set the annotation visible while mouse is hovering over the point.
            mouseAnnotation.Visible = true;

    // Call EndUpdate to enable rendering again after handling mouse move event.